To crack SBI Mains 2019 exam effectively, it is very important to understand its syllabus and exam pattern. As per official notifications released by SBI on SBI Clerk 2019 exam, the candidate’s abilities will be tried and tested in 5 sections namely Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, English, General Awareness and Computer Knowledge. To prepare each section, it is important to understand the proper preparation strategy to prepare them.
In this article, we will categorically discuss the preparation strategy for each and every section.
Strategy for Quantitative Aptitude section
This section challenges the analytical and logical abilities of the candidates. To score well, the candidate should develop accuracy and good speed of calculating. Therefore, the students should know all the basics and important formula related to each chapter, and practice harder to solve questions correctly. The regular practice will enhance your speed of answering and make you perfect. The students are advised to work hard on topics like Time and Distance, Work and Time, Data Interpretation, Percentages, Ratio and Proportions, Allegations. As it is the most challenging section of all, you should work hard on your time management skills and should not devote more than 40 to 45 seconds on one question. Don’t waste too much time on complicated problems but leave them unanswered, if you don’t know the accurate answer.
Strategy for Reasoning Section
This section tests the reasoning abilities of the candidates and asked questions are both verbal and non-verbal. Despite the fact that this is a tricky section but it can be scoring, if you practice topics well. The candidates are supposed to prepare topics like Logical Reasoning, Syllogism, Blood Relation, Verbal Reasoning, Coding-Decoding, Puzzle etc. The proper strategy to solve questions from this section is to understand the accurate meaning of questions and try to solve them with your logical thinking. You should know the proper method of solving and this can be learnt by practicing questions regularly. There are no particular formulas to solve questions but you should work hard on accuracy and speed of solving questions.
Strategy for English Language section
It is the most significant section and had always played vital role in every competitive exam, including SBI Clerk exams. The candidates will face a mixed bag of simple and complex questions which will test their reading skills, vocabulary usage and grammatical skills. The topics to be prepared properly are Reading Comprehensions, Cloze Test, Para Jumbles, Fill in the Blanks, paragraph completion etc. To master this section, the student’s should develop a habit of reading daily English newspapers, books, novels, informative magazines, surfing websites, watching English TV channels etc. It will polish their reading, speaking and writing English skills.
Strategy for General Awareness section
In this section, the candidates will be tested on their knowledge on topics like Current Affairs, Important Banking Terms and Indian Banking & Financial Policies. The candidates should try to read financial newspapers (The Economic Times) and try to learn and understand important facts and figures related to banking and financial world. You should try to develop good memorizing skill and studying in morning hours will be most beneficial for you.
Strategy for Computer Knowledge section
The candidates are advised to study and learn about various basic computer terms and techniques. This section will test your aptitude about computers and its related technologies, tips, tricks and terminology. The students must have a fundamental knowledge of Operating Systems, Input- output Devices, Software hardware devices, MS Office and its various features like Word, Excel, Powerpoint etc., Networks like LAN, MAN and WAN, latest technologies in Computer related to banking and insurance industry.
After discussing these preparation strategies for every section, we would advise all the aspirants to develop a time-table for studying all the important topics date-wise. You can also join a competent coaching institute to enhance your selection chances for the forthcoming SBI Clerk Mains 2019 exam.
All the Best!!!
Above content is published from IBT Chandigarh Top Coaching Institute for SBI Clerk Coaching.
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